Pathologies more common

Patologías más comunes
- Recovery post-surgical, post-traumatic
- Problems of back (contractures, overburdens, ...)
- Deviation of column (scoliosis, cifosis, lordosis)
- Myopathies
- Ciatalgia
- Artrosis, arthritis
- Latigazo Cervical
- Cefalea, migraine
- Painful shoulder
- Tendinitis, bursitis
- Sprain, distention ligamentaria
- Fascitis Plant (spur calcaneum)
The different therapies adapt to each patient and to the evolutionary moment of the pathology. Asímismo, to the patient teach him technicians of ergonomics and economy of energy to make the professional activities or of the daily life with the minimum possible endeavour and like this avert, to a large extent, the possibility of recidivas. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat