Recovery post-childbirth

Recuperación post-parto
The moment of the childbirth produces some own injuries of this process and the pregnancy also leaves a lot of physical sequelas. All this affects especially to the abdominal wall, column, pelvis and the muscles of the pelvic soil.
The treatment post-childbirth are indicated to accelerate the normalisation of the corporal changes that has suffered the body during the pregnancy, in addition to warning possible complications that can arise after the childbirth, as they are:

- Urinary incontinence
- Circulatory problems
- Problems of vertebral column
- Anxiety, tiredness
- Abdominal distention

For all this there is a time of recovery and some suitable treatments.

The recovery post-childbirth is headed to to achieve the following aims:

- Reduce the anxiety and the tiredness
- Reinforce and tonifica the abdominal and pelvic musculature
- Testing Perineal
- Warn the urinary incontinence
- Improve the musculature of the pelvis and the pelvic soil
- Estiramiento And relaxation of the tense musculature
- Reduce, reaffirm and tonificar the body of the woman
- Favour the venous circulation - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat