Course pre-childbirth

Curso pre-parto
During the pregnancy suffer a series of physical changes, organic and mental, for which have to prepare you.
During this period is important to receive the theoretical information-practical necessary to improve the physical state, diminish the annoyances associated to the pregnancy, prepare for the moment of the childbirth and, especially, warn back dysfunctions to the same.

The course is organised in two weekly sessions where receive :

Informative seminars:

- Physiological changes in the body of the pregnant woman
- Annoyances associated to the gestation
- Councils for the pregnancy
- Nutrition: foods more adapted for this process
- Evolution of the baby: changes month by month
- Pautes For the moment of the childbirth: phases and control of the breath
- The importance of the figure paterna
- Importance of the post-childbirth to warn possible injuries and that the body recover the normality.
- Lactancia

Physical coaching:

- Pelvic exercises-perineal
- Exercises for the correction of the corporal posture
- Exercises of flexibility
- Circulatory exercises
- Potenciación Of muscular groups for the work of the childbirth
- Respiratory coaching
- Learning of the “pujos”
- Exercises of simulation to the childbirth
- Guidelines of relaxation and visualisation - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat